**N E W ** Service: Social Media Headshots

Is it time to freshen up a social media digital image for yourself? Maybe it’s time to create your very first one? I offer two compelling services with different options that both result in beautiful headshots for your use. I’m confident one of my services will work for you.

My standard service results in one digital image for your use that is cropped for social media, typically square (400 by 400 pixels). This is the perfect shot for LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Match.com, a website and the like. The offering includes professional makeup and hair, as well as a 30 minute photo shoot. The image turnaround time is 24 hours and the photographer is yours truly. The locale is your house, office or similar place, or my studio in San Francisco.

The “what’s new” about this is that I am the photographer for this service, which is best for social media images. I still collaborate with professional photographers if you are in need of a higher end image that is suitable for print materials or perhaps you need multiple poses and multiple shots. That’s my supersize! offering…

Details of both offerings can be found here on my website. 

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