Whah? I can wear high heels and my feet won’t hurt?

Yes, it’s true. I have found an amazing new product called “Still Standing” which is all natural and it’s blend of proprietary ingredients stops pain from stilettos and other high heels for up to 4 hours. You have to try it to believe it! And taking one for the team, I did try it, and it worked! So I called up the manufacuturer/inventor, a very creative woman, and now I am carrying the product in my boutique. Made from soothing arnica and aloe, menthol, and ilex, the spray comes in both a large size and a purse size (so you can carry it with you for touch-ups during the day or night). And in case you were wondering, Still Standing® does not anesthetize or numb your foot like something your dentist or doctor might use when performing a procedure. In no way does Still Standing® affect your walking or balance, rather it makes your shoes hurt a h*ll of a lot less! Ah-mazing, as they say…

You can purchase still standing through me.

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