This Is How Dave Asprey Rolls…

I have to admit I have a crush. While I am happily married to the wonderful Angelo…I do have a intellectual crush on Dave Asprey! He’s really smart and his books are very well written. His podcasts don’t disappoint either. Yes, I do resent that his career allows him to spend his working hours hacking his health; I guess I can forgive him, in the sense that at least he shares what he has learned!

In his latest book, Super Human, The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever, there are a number of suggestions that I will be incorporating in to my lifestyle as the year goes on. There are also several that I already am practicing! That’s exciting. 

On page 237, Dave discusses the many benefits of microneedling: “…using tiny needles to prick invisible holes in the top layer of your skin. This disrupts collagen and stimulates the body to form new, youthful collagen.” (Asprey, Dave. Super Human (Bulletproof) (p. 237). Harper Wave. Kindle Edition.) I have been using a microneedler or “rolling”, as I call it, for several years now. It just takes one minute in the evening (and I do it in the morning too)! Results are proven and fabulous. As Dave notes, your skin cells “toughen up and get younger and stronger while weak or damaged skin cells are killed off. The results are pretty powerful.” And “these rollers work on your hairline as well, and can stimulate hair growth. They are cheap, they work well, and they don’t take long to use. Totally worth it.” (Emphasis mine.) I had been wondering about the hairline and am going to try using my roller there too.

I offer a roller on my Rodan+Fields website here. (Microneedlers are for use by doctors only…at-home tools are called derma-rollers.) This one actually has a proprietary design, plus high-precision needle tips that safely and gently condition the skin. 

One thing that Dave also talks about in his book is the fact that what you follow a session of rolling with, also absorbs better. In a dermatologist’s office, needling might be followed by plasma, for example. At home, you can follow your session with a serum like retinol. The roller makes the products applied afterward more effective. Another bonus: with regular use of a derma-roller, you will see better, faster results from your skincare products. 

Rollers will wear out after about a year. The needles get dull. So don’t skimp…replace your roller so that you get the effectiveness you deserve. Regularly clean your roller, as whenever you puncture the skin, there is obviously a small risk of infection. Rinse it under water after each use, and once a week, use a cleaner on it (the R+F roller comes with cleaning pellets). You can see from my personal pictures here that cleaning really makes a difference. 


I am so happy that Dave and I are buddies (well at least in my mind). I hope you will give rolling a try given Dave’s endorsement: Totally Worth It!

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