The Supple Club

Turning up thermostats in the winter reduces moisture in the air. Frigid temperatures, sweltering offices, harsh soaps, and long showers don’t help either. For many of us, that means dry skin. And there are a lot of us who know that their winter activities (skiing, going in and out of over heated buildings, etc) are going to create dry skin, so get ahead of the discomfort and take control.

When skin cells are stressed due to harsh climates or other environmental aggressors, cells go into overdrive and rush to the surface before they are fully mature. The result is increased cell pile-up, creating skin that is uncomfortable, dry, flaky, tight and irritated.

Addressing dry skin an be fairly simple:

  1. Exfoliate (and note there are different products to exfoliate the skin depending on where it is…body, face, lips etc). A lot of us do not exfoliate enough. Dead skin cells keep your moisturizers and hydrators from penetrating. Your products will be given a better chance to work, if your skin is eradicated of the dead cells. Why spend money on moisturizers if you don’t give them a chance to do their best? Research shows that best results are achieved by exfoliating gently and regularly. “Harder scrubbing is not better…in reality, slow and steady wins over time.

Also, if your skin if feeling really dry, skip cleanser in the AM (assuming you have washed your face the night before!). Rinse with just water in the morning instead.

  1. Moisturize (and note there are different products to moisturize the skin depending on where it is…body, face, lips etc). And apply while skin is still damp if possible (either from your toner on your face, or from a shower on your body).

  2. Hydrate - place a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep. Not only will the additional moisture help to hydrate the skin but your hair and nails will benefit too.

And remember, even in winter, UV rays can interfere with skin barrier functions and prevent skin from holding onto moisture. So continue with your SPF!

Finally, while water is important, if all it took to keep skin hydrated was drinking water, then there would be no moisturizers sold and no one would have dry skin. If you take in more water than your body needs, the result is running to the bathroom all day! ;)

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