More on lash growers…

I’m surprised by how many women don’t know that these growth serums for lashes, actually really do work! Yes! They do! And yes, they are expensive, but you know what, if you are losing your lashes - then they are worth every penny.

Whether you were born with sparse lashes, or you are aging (your lashes get both thinner, losing density, and straighter as you age), this is actually something that you CAN change!

These products do work and there are one to three active ingredients that make them work. The active ingredient in almost all of them is a prostaglandin-like compound (prostaglandins are naturally occurring chemicals in the body). This ingredient is similar to one used in glaucoma drugs, and in fact, that’s how the lash growth idea was born: glaucoma patients using eyedrops grow gorgeous long lashes!

Most of the products work by prolonging the growth cycles of your eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker over time. Noticeable results typically occur after six weeks, with full results after 14 weeks. I noticed results in 4 weeks. It depends where in the growth cycle your lashes are when you start to use the product. You need to use the product every day until your lashes are the length you want them, and then you can go on maintenance mode, and take it down to a few times a week.

You can apply these products to both upper and lower lashes. There are some side-effects: apparently less than 2% of patients with light colored eyes see some darkening of their irises (I have green/hazel eyes and have had no side effects with 4 years of use). Some patients see a darkening of the skin on the part of the eyelid where the product is applied - I saw a little bit of this but it went away when I stopped using the product every day.

I have used both Latisse and Revitalash, two of the most popular products and found they both worked quite well. Latisse is available only by prescription (dermatologist or eye doctors carry it) and was more difficult to apply than Revitalash, which is available at many spas and online. The products are not inexpensive, but if you divide the cost of the tube over the number of days you will use it, it’s not a lot of money for a whole lot of bang!

Apply correctly: a very thin line of the product at the lash line only once a day. Work up to once a day as well, by only applying every three days for two weeks, then every two days for two weeks, then every day for four weeks. You should see noticeable growth by then, assuming it’s been non-irritating. Remember too that your eyelashes will thin with age and that you lose lashes on about a 4 week cycle.

Note: Almost all brands can be used on the brows as well and work the exact same way! And your lashes naturally fall out following there normal life cycle. But, even just rubbing your eyelashes can make them weaker, let alone taking off your eye makeup a bit roughly, crimping the lashes etc., so go easy on those lashes, so that each lash can at least make it through its full life (about 4 weeks.)

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