How to Apply Mascara - Master Class

I always get asked if my lashes are real because they are so long yet, look so natural. Yes, they are real, and yours can and should look long, luscious, and gorgeous. But some Moms never taught their daughters how to apply mascara. There are some steps to follow to make your lashes look their best…

The average person has between 100 and 150 lashes on their upper eyelid alone! Yowza! That’s enough that with a little bit of help, your lashes can look amazing. My favorite mascara is Revitalash - it’s super black, shiny, and moisturizing.

Follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure there is no residual eye makeup remover on your lids or lashes. That can cause makeup to break up and leave you with raccoon eyes in no time. Dry off the makeup remover or if it’s oily, you will have to wash your face again.

  • Curl those lashes. Follow the instructions from my previous blog posts.

  • Get that icky stuff off the tip of the wand. Well, it’s not really icky stuff. Its extra mascara that will just clump and look bad if you get it on your lashes because it’s too much, too clumpy etc. Just wipe it off on the tip of the tube or use a paper towel to take it off (not a tissue or cotton ball because those will leave little pieces of filament on the wand).

  • Start at the base of the lashes and wiggle the wand back and forth in a zig-zag motion as you pull up through the lash. You must start at the base of the lash. That’s where you want to build up the thickness.
  • Do both eyes with the same wand, i.e. do not reload.

  • Now go back into the tube for a second dose of mascara on the wand. Clean the tip off as before, and give yourself a second coat. Do not pump the wand into the tube - that just drives air into the tube and dries out the mascara more quickly.

  • You can use what is remaining on the wand for your bottom lashes. Just touch the bottom lashes with the wand. Do not apply too much.

    Additional options:

    • Lash primer!! Yes!! It’s amazing. I highly recommend it for special occasions. It really thickens your lashes and makes them look amazing. And it helps the mascara stay on longer and withstand smearing. I like the Revitalash Primer because it’s conditioning for your lashes as well.

    • If no matter what, you get raccoon eyes (smeared black mascara underneath your eyes), you can use a coat of clear mascara after your regular mascara to seal on your mascara. This really can prevent smearing and darkness under the eyes.

    • You can also use the clear mascara on your bottom lashes instead of colored mascara, if you suffer from smearing.

      Note:Spidery, clumpy mascara is created by applying a coat of mascara over one that has already dried. Two coats is enough. If it’s not, you probably need false lashes.

      • Toss mascara that is more than 6 months old.

      • Mascara brushes do differ. The wand is generally applicable to the type of mascara. For example, “elongating mascara” will have a brush that separates and coats each lash with a minimal amount of mascara. “Thickening mascara” will have an applicator brush that applies a thicker coat of mascara along clumps of lashes and is generally a thicker formula that coats the wand.

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