Skincare is less important than procedures. Discuss…

Remember those college essay prompts on exams that always ended with “Discuss.” I detested those. So open-ended…so fraught with confusion…Well, when I thought about the above topic, it reminded me of those types of essay prompts…But let me try to clear up any confusion on this one.

When it comes to caring for your skin, you don’t have to go to extremes to age well. While peels, injections, lasers, microdermabrasion and other procedures can yield great results, they do require regular visits to the dermatologist’s office. And they don’t come without consequences, such as expense, sometimes pain, and often recovery time.

The facts are that with advances in science, daily skincare can often make more of a long-term difference than in-office procedures. A proven skincare regimen, along with discipline and good habits, such as getting plenty of sleep - on your back, eating well and exercising every d_mn day, can influence up to 80% of your skin’s future.

If you want to improve the look and feel of your skin, my advice is, “stick with it.” Staying on track with consistent daily application of clinically proven products tailored to your needs goes a long way.

Do people compliment you on your skin every day? If not, come see me. It can happen and you deserve the best skin of your life.

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