Command Your Throne

You can’t command your throne if you lack the confidence to do so. In honor of Acne Awareness month (June), I am sharing the above testimonial I received from one of my younger clients who has been using the Rodan + Fields skincare line for several years. The client came to me with pretty severe acne and an “I’ll do what is necessary to get rid of it” attitude. As noted in the text above, “having bad skin in high school made me so insecure…having great skin gave me more time to focus on school…one less thing to worry about when I settle in to UCSD.” Now isn’t that the best? That’s what we all want to give our kids and, let’s face it, ourselves. Acne does not discriminate in any way, shape or form. 

I do find though that whether you are a teen or an adult, the attitude to make a change has to be there. In the medical field, the willingness to follow instructions is called “compliance”. The above chart is based on an article from the American Academy of Dermatology Association. I whipped it up as a “primer” to the low-hanging fruit, so to speak, changes that one can make to improve your acne. Following instructions from the dermatologist, whether it be someone you met with in person or using dermatology-inspired / developed skincare like that I offer from Rodan +Fields, is critical and combined with these simple tips, you should begin to see improvement in your blemishes and outbreaks in 4 to 8 weeks.

As I mentioned, acne does not discriminate based on age or skin color or gender. The numbers show that it is VERY common to suffer from occasional breakouts even as an adult. The causes of acne at different ages are multi-factorial and need to be addressed by different ingredients. The above charts show what is recommended by Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields as far as product usage goes with their lines. Personally myself and my young adult children have used these products and lines and found them extremely useful, resulting in clear skin. For light breakouts for young teens and young adults, the easy-to-follow Spotless regimen is the ticket. Adults should migrate to the Unblemish line, and both age groups, depending on severity of breakouts, can see their skin improve with weekly use of the Clarifying Mask

Again, it’s the confidence of great skin that puts someone up on their throne, no matter if it’s an iron one or the top bunk in a college dorm. Don’t settle for skin problems. They can be solved and you can make a change, with the right attitude and the right products. For more information, contact me

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